Giethoorn by Public Transport
How to Visit Giethoorn by Public Transport from Amsterdam or Other Cities?
From many cities like Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Hague, Groningen, and Eindhoven, you can take a train to reach Giethoorn. Here are some tips to make your train journey easy and hassle-free.

You can easily take a train to Giethoorn from Amsterdam Central. Follow these tips to make your trip smooth:
Plan Your Train Journey
Always check the train schedule using the 9292 app. Trains usually head to Meppel or Steenwijk, so verify your route carefully.Travel Time
The train ride takes about 2 hours and 6 minutes, but delays and transfers are common, so be prepared for potential waiting times.Take the Bus to Giethoorn
Once you arrive at Meppel or Steenwijk, take a bus to Giethoorn’s center. The bus ride lasts around 18 minutes, and you can check which bus to take using the 9292 app.Walking to the Boat Rental
After reaching the bus stop, you’ll likely need to walk another 5 to 10 minutes to the boat rental company.
Fastest Way to Giethoorn – Save Time & Travel Smart!
Join our Giethoorn Transfer Tour and save up to 2 hours of travel time! With everything arranged for you, your journey is stress-free and efficient. Instead of navigating trains and buses, you’ll arrive in Giethoorn in just 2 hours and 30 minutes, ready to step into your boat and start exploring. Don’t miss out—book your tour today!