D'Amsterdam à Giethoorn

How can you get to Giethoorn as quickly as possible? We provide all the information you need to travel to Giethoorn in your preferred way.


Did you know that Giethoorn is located 121 kilometers from Amsterdam? According to Google Maps, the journey takes approximately 1 hour and 28 minutes by car.

NEW: A Tour from Amsterdam to Giethoorn

Due to the high demand for travel to Giethoorn, we’ve launched a brand-new tour! This exciting trip to Giethoorn offers customizable options to enhance your experience. Transport d'Amsterdam à Giethoorn and back is included in the tour, and the options are customizable to suit your preferences.You can choose to rent a boat, either with a captain on a public boat or by navigating yourself in a self-driven boat.

Transfer from Amsterdam to Giethoorn and back

D'Amsterdam à Giethoorn

Other Ways to Reach Giethoorn

By Tour

With the Giethoorn tour, you can be one of the first to arrive in Giethoorn, departing from Amsterdam Central. Enjoy the flexibility to plan your day your way, with no waiting times or unnecessary detours.

By Car

Giethoorn is a charming village just 121 km from Amsterdam, about a 1 hour and 28 minute drive. Enjoy free parking while you explore its scenic canals. Visit to experience the Venice of Holland

Public transport

There are several ways to reach Giethoorn by public transport. Take a train to Steenwijk station, and from there, catch a bus to the village of Giethoorn. You’ll need a 10-15 minute walk from the station to your destination.

You ask, we answer

Are you ready to discover the best time or season to visit Giethoorn? We have the answers you need! Count on us for seamless travel from Amsterdam to Giethoorn. We’ll assist you every step of the way to ensure an unforgettable experience.

The best time to visit Giethoorn is summer, especially early June, when gardens bloom. Arrive before 11 AM for peaceful boating and stunning views.

Yes, there are plenty of parking spaces in Giethoorn. We provide detailed advice on this topic on our Parking à Giethoorn page.

Yes, you can rent a boat in Giethoorn Village starting at just €49 for 2 people. For a group of up to 8 people, prices start at €79. Visit the page https://giethoornfromamsterdam.com/bootje-huren-giethoorn/ to book your boat today!

Giethoorn, often called the “Dutch Venice,” is located 120 kilometers from Amsterdam, in Overijssel province, surrounded by canals, picturesque landscapes, and charming waterways.

Réservez votre visite à Giethoorn ici

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