Parking à Giethoorn

Find the best parking spots in Giethoorn. Do you prefer free parking or parking close to the rental company? There are multiple parking areas throughout the village. In the center of Giethoorn, you’ll find two large parking lots.

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parking spaces in Giethoorn

Most parking spaces in Giethoorn can be found at local rental companies, which typically offer parking spots equivalent to the number of boats they have available. However, there are also parking facilities just outside the center. Here are the best tips for parking in Giethoorn.

The parking areas in Giethoorn are divided into three zones:

  • Middle of the main road (this is where most rental companies are located)
  • In the center
  • Giethoorn South

Top 3 des zones de stationnement gratuit

P1 Centrum

Au centre de la ville, c'est le plus grand parking gratuit avec plus de 250 places disponibles. C'est la première option pratique que vous trouverez pour vous garer à Giethoorn. Cependant, pendant la haute saison, cet endroit a tendance à se remplir rapidement de visiteurs.

P2 Centrum

Pour cette aire de stationnement, il vous faudra rouler un peu plus loin. Beaucoup de gens ne connaissent pas cet endroit, mais il est situé au cœur du centre. Il y a souvent de la disponibilité et le stationnement est gratuit. Il y a 160 places, y compris des places pour les bus touristiques.

P3 Giethoorn Village

Il s'agit d'un parking pour 60 voitures. Le parking n'est accessible que si vous louez un bateau. Depuis cet endroit, vous pouvez faire de longues promenades en bateau, ce qui est l'un des points forts de ce lieu. Il est situé à 600 mètres du centre.

Paid parking zones close to centrum

P1 Parking Binnenpad 14

When entering Giethoorn from the northern side, you’ll find one of the largest parking areas in the village. Located next to a restaurant, it offers around 300 parking spaces. The cost is €4 per day. It is located 200 meters from the center.

P3 Centrum

This parking area is closer to the center and is the best option if you’re arriving from the southern side of Giethoorn. Make sure to check if your boat rental company is nearby. 200 parking spaces (cars) Parking for €4 per day

Where Are Most Rental Companies with Parking in Giethoorn?

Giethoorn offers plenty of parking options, especially along Beulakerweg, the main road running through the village. Along this route, you’ll find seven clearly marked signs directing you to rental companies with dedicated parking facilities. Each company provides parking spaces for 60 to 140 vehicles. Simply follow the numbered signs (1-7) to locate these convenient parking spots.

Benefits of Parking at Rental Companies:

  • Free parking is available at all locations.
  • Each rental company offers over 100 parking spaces.
  • Nearby restaurants provide a convenient place for a meal or break.
  • Guaranteed availability of boats for rent.

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